Czech Thrash/Hardcore group from Liberec..their probably 2 first demotapes..first in rehersal room and second in studio...Sorry, have no more information..Everything in 1 mp3:..Thanx for tape-
copy to Harvďák!
tapes are not dead..tapes are cool.My own ripped tapes to mp3 from my collection now...If you can send me some interested rare tapes, i can ripped and present here if will be interesting stuff...Punk,Hardcore,Crust,D-Beat,Grindcore,Noisecore,Metal,Experimental atc...stuffs! Support Underground and such legendary format as audiotapes!!!
3 komentáře:
reupload this plsss bro
reupload this again plz mate ,,,, cheers bro
tyhle dvě dema plus něco ze zkušebny vlastním na kazetě..kdyžtak se ozvěte na